Welcome to Charlie Playgroup. We are a group of mums from Charlestown Seventh-day Adventist Church. We felt the need for an environment for our kids to meet and play, for us mums to catch up and share and meet parents and kids from the community. So, we have started this playgroup and are well up and running. There are some structured and unstructured components at our playgroup. We hope you and the kids enjoy your time with us and we are always open to suggestions and new ideas.
Morning schedule:
10.00 - Registration then free play, play-doh, sensory play, craft and story for bigger kids
11.00 - Morning tea for kids then free play
11.30 - Everyone help to pack up
11.40 - Parachute/Songs
12.00 - Vacuum and close
Can I help?
Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. If you can help with story and craft, bringing morning tea for the adults or anything else, please let us know and it will be much appreciated.
If you are a Facebook member please add us on to keep updated at our following page: Charlie Playgroup
We hope to see you at playgroup soon!
Time: Every Tuesday to Thursdays (excluding school holidays) from 10am till 12pm.
What to bring: Please bring a piece of fruit to share for morning tea. Place the fruit in the bowl provided and it will be cut up and prepared for morning tea. Please inform us if your child has any allergies or special requirements. Also, our playgroup is a nut free environment. Morning tea will be provided for the adults.
Cost: Gold coin donation
Contacts: Email us at charlieplaygroup@gmail.com.